Stop liquid slosh and surge in cartage tanks with the Ball Baffle

The Ball Baffle

Steel Tank

Ball Baffles work great in Steel Tankers

Steel tankers often have fixed baffles dividing them into 4000-8000L compartments. Even this volume of un-baffled liquid can cause instability and increased risk of fatal rollover. Adding ball baffles eliminates stability issues associated with un-baffled loads and reduces wear and tear on tankers and trucks. Ball Baffles can be fitted through most standard tanker hatches and are made from food grade polypropylene for safe storage.

fibreglass tank

Prolong the life of your fiberglass tank

The leading cause of premature failure in fiberglass tanks is incorrect mounting and stresses caused by liquid slosh and surge. Prolong the life of your fiberglass tank by adding Ball Baffles to eliminate the stress placed on tanks by surging walls of water hitting fixed baffles and tank ends. Ball Baffles can be installed through most standard fiberglass tanker hatches and offer an easy way to improve your load stability without costly modifications.

Poly Tank

If you’re carting part loads, you’ll love the Ball Baffle system

Part loads in single compartment tankers cause huge amounts of liquid slosh and surge. Braking distance is increased and the risk of fatal rollover increases dramatically. Ball Baffles completely fill a single compartment tank creating a honey comb effect that breaks up the surging liquid and transfers shock energy in all directions to very effectively dissipate it.

Dust Suppression

Whatever size your tank is…..

Available in 2 sizes (see specifications), Ball Baffles can be fitted to any tank from 100L to 60,000L and beyond. As long as the opening on your tank is at least 195mm in diameter – you can install Ball Baffles and make your tanker safer on the road. We recommend you completely fill your tank with ball baffles to ensure that liquid surge energy is unable to travel through the tank and is broken up before it can cause damage and stress on your tank walls.

Stop up to 60% faster with Ball Baffles*

Reduce wear & tear on brakes & axles

With ball baffles in your tank stopping liquid from surging when you brake and turn, your brakes will last longer than ever….

*Compared to an un-baffled tank filled to 80% capacity.

Up to 70% increase in vehicle stability with Ball Baffles fitted*

Prevent dangerous rollover situations

With the reduction in slosh and surge, your truck will be safe on the road giving you peace of mind.

*Compared to un-baffled tanks filled to 80% capacity driven through a modified slalom test.

What People Are Saying

“In February 2012 we bought a Rapid Spray 13000 litre poly tank for road watering in our earthmoving business. At first, we were a bit concerned about stability due to the height of the tank so we contacted Rapid Spray who recommended their Ball Baffle system”
“I bought 325 ball baffles and fitted them straight away. The improvement to the stability was incredible – the driver couldn’t understand why it didn’t rock with the ball baffles even though the tank is higher than the steel tank we used to have! “
“What we noticed most was there was no sideways rocking – the steel tank rocks even though it has fixed baffles in it! The Ball Baffles are amazing, I would recommend them to anyone using a water cart.”

John Russell

Owner, Russell's Earthmoving


Small Ball Baffle

  • Diameter: 195mm
  • Dry Weight: 126 grams per ball
  • Box Quantity: 44 balls per box
  • Use 1 ball per 7 litres of tank capacity

Large Ball Baffle

  • Diameter: 355mm
  • Dry Weight: 478 grams per ball
  • Box Quantity: 25 balls per box
  • 1 ball per 40 litres of tank capacity


Ball Baffles are constructed from high impact polypropylene material for extreme durability in harsh tanker environments.

The balls are injection moulded in 2 matching halves which are assembled together via a simple but strong click & turn motion that permanently attaches the 2 halves to form a complete ball.


High density polypropylene is impact resistant and food grade compatible with FDA regulation 21 CRF 177.1520 and  EU commission regulation No 10/2011 in applicable member states.

It is also highly chemical resistant making it suitable for a wide variety of liquids including water, diesel, many agricultural chemicals and much more. If you have a specific liquid and would like to confirm suitability, please contact us on the form at the bottom of this page.


The installation process for ball baffles is very easy. Simply clip together the 2 halves and insert them into the tanker via the manhole or access plate. Continue to fill the tank, pushing balls into all corners until the tank will not fit any more. After the first liquid load job following installation, check to see if the balls have settled into any corners and add additional balls to ensure the tank is completely full.


Ball Baffles are guaranteed to be free from defects in workmanship or materials for a period of 12 months if used in accordance with the manufacturers specifications. Not covered by warranty is damaged caused by sharp edges and protrusions inside the tank, damaged caused by high volume/pressure fill and empty rates and damage caused by incompatible liquids.

Calculating how many you need

Calculating how many ball baffles you require to baffle your tank and increase safety is easy.

For tankers with a hatch off at least 450mm diameter – the LARGE ball baffle is used. To calculate how many LARGE Ball Baffles you need, simply divide the tank volume in Litres by 40. For example a 10,000L tank / 40 = 250 LARGE Ball Baffles required.

For tanks with a hatch smaller than 450mm diameter – the SMALL Ball Baffle is used. To calculate how many SMALL Ball Baffles you need, simply divide the tank volume in Litres by 7. For example a 600L tank / 7 = 86 SMALL Ball Baffles required.

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